Thursday, December 22, 2011


Last night my husband and I attended our granddaughter’s Christmas concert presented by the Roosevelt High School Vocal Music Department and accompanied by the Orchestra and Symphony Band students.
Our granddaughter, Samantha, performed in the A cappella Choir and we are so very proud of her.

As a side note, her grandpa, my husband, Ed, was in the RHS A cappella Choir 48 years ago, so it was also a trip down memory lane for him.

The program was Directed/Conducted by Ms. Kathleen Kane and Instrumental Director, Mr. Mark D’Angelo.
The evening began with six songs performed by the A cappella Choir, followed by three songs performed by the Vocal Impressions and six songs by the Chorus. This was followed by five performances by the ROVASI and six more songs by the A cappella Choir and a final performance by all Combined Ensembles.
I Googled ROVASI and this is just a part of what I found out:  “Prerequisites: Students MUST be enrolled in at least one other music class and need a background in terminology, basic music theory, and sight reading.  Audition process includes the ability to hold one's own part while singing in a quartet, sight reading in quartet SATB, and a written evaluation, and dance.  Entrance is through audition or assignment by director.”
ROVASI is something that my granddaughter wishes to be in next year. She has been taking dance classes since she was three, so she is not uncomfortable being on stage or in front of a crowd.
I have to say the entire show was phenomenal and on the way home I said to my husband “we should check out the calendars of all the schools around us and go see more Christmas concerts.”
Since I’m new to this blogging thing, I’m not quite sure what I can or can’t say or do for fear of copyright and infringement on others, so I decided not to list any of the songs performed. Just suffice it to say that they were EXCELLENT.
The one disappointing part of the whole evening was when Ms. Kane announced that no one was allowed to video tape or record any of the performance with our own equipment. Wyandotte Cable tapes all the shows at all the schools and has a copyright on them thus preventing parents or grandparents from taping. But, what about the parents who do not carry Wyandotte Cable, or the grandparents who don’t live in Wyandotte or parents who would like to send a clip to grandparents who live far away? We are there to see our children/grandchildren and usually our taping is centered on that one child not the entire show so I really feel Wyandotte Cable is being unfair (but that is my opinion).
Not to end on an unhappy note. The Concert was phenomenal and we are looking forward to attending many more in the future. 
Great job Ms. Kane and Mr. De’Angelo for your outstanding production!
And, more importantly to me, Great Job Samantha!! We love you very much.

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